Rugby Songs

Songs that all rugby players should know.
1. Don't Forget Your Old Teammaates
(Sung to the tune of the sea shanty "Don’t Forget Your Old Shipmates")
Safe and sound at the bar again, let the beer mugs flow, Jack.
Safe and sound at the bar again, let the beer mugs flow, Jack.
Long we've fought on the muddy pitch, now the match is over, Jack.
Don't forget yer old teammates, Rugger, Rugger, Rugger, Rugger, Roe, Roe, Roe
Since we beat them safe and Sound, eighty-minutes long, Jack.
Now salute our fallen foes with a drink and song Jack.
We have pushed the same old scrum, held that hooker tight, Jack.
Tighthead me and loosehead you, we put up a fight Jack.
Sometimes we’ve been laid out flat, tackled to the dirt, Jack.
But we always jump back up and deal out some hurt Jack.
Once I did a pick and run right into a wall, Jack.
But you rucked the buggers off, saving us the ball, Jack.
In the line-out, lift ‘em up way into the sky, Jack.
On the toss we got the steal, our lock went so high, Jack.
May we always raise a glass to show our misfits loyal.
And we’ll join them on the pitch to start a battle royal.
1. Jesus Can't Play Rugby
(Sung to "Battle Hymn of the Republic" aka "Glory Glory Halleluiah")
Free beer for all the ruggers, Free beer for all the ruggers
Free beer for all the ruggers, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves
Jesus can't play rugby 'cause he's only got 12 men
ALL: Jesus can't play rugby 'cause he's only got 12 men
Jesus can't play rugby 'cause he's only got 12 men
Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves!
Other Verses:
He wears illegal headgear
The goal posts give him flashbacks
His dad will fix the games
The ball goes through his hands
He's got some open wounds
He wears illegal spikes
He can't support a hooker
Optional Ultra-Offensive Verses:
The Jew won't pay his dues
The motherfucker's dead
Final Verse (insurance against eternal damnation):
ALL: Jesus, we're only joking. Jesus, we're only joking. Jesus, we're only joking.
Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
"Jesus Can't Play Rugby" is a classic rugby after-party song. It's easy to learn, good for audience participation and relatively low on the offensive scale (except for those last few optional verses). It's traditional to either clink beer mugs with your fellow ruggers during the chorus or dip your fingers in the mug and sprinkle beer on them depending on the mood of the party (and the patience of your barkeep).
2. If I Were the Marrying Kind (a.k.a, The Rugby Song)
If I were the marrying kind
Which thank the lord I'm not, sir
the kind of man that I would be
would be a rugby .....
LEADER: Hooker!
GROUP: Why sir?
'cause I'd swipe balls, and you'd swipe balls
we'd all swipe balls together
we'd be alright in the middle of the night
swiping balls together
Repeat CHORUS. New LEADER inserts a new rugby position as below…
Prop: support a hooker
2nd Row/lock : push hard, grab crotch, sniff butt
Flanker: get off quick
No. 8: hold it until you come
Scrumhalf: put it in, grab balls
Flyhalf: whip it out
Centers: look for the hole, pass out
Wing: go hard, never get it, come too fast, spread it wide
Fullback: kick balls, get fucked, find touch
Any Forward: get stripped
Any Back: get laid
Scrum: go down
Rule Book: get violated
Shorts: go up your butt
Halftime Orange: get sucked
Mouthguard: get licked, get sucked
Spectator: get to watch
Spectator on a rainy day: come in rubber, be wet
Spectator on a sunny day: come again
Goal Posts: get split, stand erect
Cleats: get screwed
Groundskeeper: trim bush, do lines, fill holes
Referree whistle: get blown
Boot:: come in boxes, get tied up
Ball: get touched, get pumped
Pitch: grow weed, be hard
Team from far away: come for hours
Team on a bus: get off
Drunk Team: get fucked up
"The Marrying Kind" is arguably the most famous rugby song in history. Countless versions exist. Don't feel shy about changing the words, cadence or verses. Better yet, create new verses.
3. Days of the Rugby Week
Monday is a working day.
CHORUS (leader asks, crowd responds):
How's your mother?
How's your father?
How's your lover?
When did ya do it?
When will ya do it?
Is everybody happy?
YOU BET YOUR ASS WE'RE HAPPY!! (spin around slowly with your beer on your head singing…DODO, DO, DO, DO, DODO, DODO, DODO, DO, HEY!).
(Leader repeats previously spoken days, adds a new one, leads the chorus then repeats adding a new day each time)
Tuesday is a practice day
Wednesday is a drinking day/smoking day.
Thursday is a dancing day/licking day.
Friday is a screwing day.
Saturday is a rugby day. (repeat this loudly several times)
Sunday is the lord's day/hungover day
Perfect for a club filled with new players, this call-and-respond gem requires only one person who knows the lines. Gesticulation and acting out the daily activities adds to enjoyment of the song. It's perfectly acceptable to switch the daily activities around. The only requirement is that Saturday must be a rugby day.
4. Dough Ray Me [or Dos, A Beer]
(Sung to "Doe, a deer" from "The Sound of Music".)
Dough, a Thing I Buy Beer With [or Dos, a beer, a Mexican beer]
Ray, a guy who sells me beer
Me, a guy I buy beer for
Far, a long way to the bar
So, I think I'll have a beer
La, la la la la la la
Tea? No thanks I'll have a beer
and that brings us back to Dough [or Dos] oh oh oh ....
This simple-minded ditty is quite addictive. It is very easy to learn and very difficult to stop. In the alternative version, "Dos" refers to Dos Equis (Two Xs): the famous Mexican beer. If you were not aware of this fact or your teammates drink Miller Highlife, stick to the "Dough" version.
5. I use to work in Chicago
I used to work in Chicago , in a department store
I used to work in Chicago , but I don't work there anymore
LEADER: A woman came in for some velvet
ALL: Some velvet from the store?
LEADER: Velvet she wanted, felt she got!
ALL: Oh, I don't work there anymore!
Other Common Verses:
Chicken she wanted, cock she got
Lobster she wanted, crabs she got
Butter she wanted my cream she got
Needles she wanted, pricked she got
A computer she wanted, hard drive she got
steak she wanted, my meat she got
A nail she wanted, a screw she got
Carpet she wanted, shag she got
A fishing rod she wanted, my pole she got
Jewelry she wanted, a pearl necklace she got
Camels she wanted, humped she got
A KitKat she wanted, four finger she got
A screen door she wanted, slammed she got
A screen door she wanted, the back door she got
Paper she wanted, a ream she got
A good deal she wanted, fucked she got
A cucumber she wanted, my pickle she got
A ruler she wanted, 12 inches she got
A hammer she wanted, nailed she got
glazed doughnut she wanted. cream filled she got
liquor she wanted, lick her I did
elevator she wanted, my shaft she got
spring she wanted, BOINGed she got
gun she wanted, banged she got
nylons she wanted, hosed she got
bolts she wanted, my nuts she got
Final Verse:
A fuck she wanted, fucked she got
Another well-known classic, "Chicago" has dozens of potential verses. This is a safe trainer song for novices to practice leading. Only a drunken outside winger could "Shoot the boot" on this one.
6. Zulu Warrior
Olé zooma zooma zooma
Olé zooma zooma chief
Drink it down you Zulu warrior
Drink it down you Zulu chief
Drink it down you Zulu warrior
Drink it down you Zulu chief, chief, chief!
The rugby Zulu tradition varies by club, but invariably involves an initiation rite of a rugger scoring their first try. The rite may vary from running around the pitch (or bar) naked to being dowsed in beer. More conservative clubs may simply toast the new warrior with the song aove and have them chug a beer.
7. Yo-Ho
(Sung to "When Johnny Comes Marching Home")
I put my hand upon her toe, Ya Ho! Ya Ho!
I put my hand upon her toe, Ya Ho! Ya Ho!
I put my hand upon her toe,
She said, "Hey Rugger, you're way too low,
Get in, get out, quit fuckin' about!"
Ya Ho! Ya Ho! Ya Ho!
Other Verses:
I put my hand upon her thigh,
She said, "Hey Rugger, you're way too high,
I put my hand upon her knee,
She said, "Hey Rugger, you're teasin' me,
I put my hand upon her tit
She said, "Hey Rugger, you're squeezin' it,
I put my hand upon her twat,
She said, "Hey Rugger, you've hit the spot,
Now she lies in a wooden box,
From sucking too many Rugger's cocks,
We dig her up every now and then,
We fucked her once, we'll fuck her again.
Not exclusively a rugby song, but widely adopted as one.
8. Yogi Bear
(Sung to "Camp Town Races")
I know a bear that you all know,
Yogi, YOGI,
I know a bear that you all know,
Other verses:
Yogi's dick is long and green, Cucum, Cucum-bear
Yogi has a little friend, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo bear
Boo-Boo has a girlfriend, Cyndi, Cyndi bear
Yogi has a girlfriend, Suzi, Suzi bear
Cyndi never shaves her pubes, Grizzly, Grizzly bear
Cyndi wears her lingerie, Teddy, Teddy bear
Cyndi does it on the snow, Polar, Polar bear
Cyndi likes both blacks and whites, panda panda bear
Suzi likes it up the rear, Dirty, Dirty bear
Suzi's boyfriend has no teeth, Gummi, Gummi bear
Cindy hates it up the arse, something, Something she cant bear.
Cyndi likes it upside down, Koala, Koala bear
Boo-Boo has a twelve-inch cock, Cindy's a lucky bear
Yogi didn't wipe his butt, Brown, Brown bear
Yogi's got a cheesy knob, Cammum, Camembert.
Yogi likes to roll his own, Smoky, Smoky bear.
Again, not a rugby original but "Yogi" is a beloved and frequently used rugby song.
9. Why was he born so beautiful
Why were you born so beautiful
Why were you born at all
You're no fucking use to anyone
You're no fucking use at all
You should be publicly pissed on,
You should be publicly shot (bang, bang),
You should be tied to a urinal,
And left there to fester and rot.
This one "jumped the pond" from England. It's a long-winded way of saying "Shoot the boot". The American method is more direct, but the British way is more entertaining.
10. Man of the Match
(Sung to "Hail to the Chief")
Man of the match
He's the best of all the ruggers.
He plays so well that he fills us all with fear!
Man of the match
He's the best of all the ruggers.
He plays so well, let's all buy him a beer!
This short song is a fine tradition. Sing it after announcing the Man of the Match and salute the bastard with a beer.
11. Mary Ann Barnes
Mary Ann Barnes is the queen of all the acrobats;
she can do tricks that will give a man the shits.
She can shoot green peas from her fundamental orifice,
do a double somersault and catch 'em on her tits.
She's a great big fat shit, twice the size of me,
hair on her ass like the branches in a tree.
She can swim, fight, shoot, fuck,
climb a tree or drive a truck.
She's the kind of girl that's gonna marry me!
M.A.B. is not so much a song as an opportunity for experienced ruggers to show off. It is chanted staccato at an increasing rate (think "Modern Major General" from "Pirates of Penzance"). It should be performed in a single breath, without pause, until the last line which is sung slowly and with affection.